Quarterly Recruitment Outlook: People Problem Key To Tackling Inflation

Quarterly Recruitment Outlook: People Problem Key To Tackling Inflation

The latest Quarterly Recruitment Outlook (QRO), a survey of 4,800 UK firms of all sectors and sizes by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) reveals there is still no easing in the record high difficulties in finding staff.

The second quarter results for 2023 show that the percentage of firms facing recruitment difficulties has fallen just three percentage points from the historical high of 82% in Q4 2022. This has now remained above 75% for the last two years.

Attempted recruitment in Q1 was virtually unchanged from the previous quarter, with 60% of those surveyed looking to find staff (59% in Q1 2023). 

While recruitment difficulties are being experienced across the economy, the construction & engineering, and hospitality sectors were the most likely to report problems with 86% of firms reporting difficulties (up from 81% and 83% respectively in Q1). This is closely followed by manufacturing on 81% (83% Q1) and then professional services on 77% (79% Q1).

Of the firms in the construction & engineering sector facing recruitment difficulties, 76% faced difficulties in finding skilled manual/technical workers. However, for hospitality businesses that struggled to recruit, 69% faced difficulties in finding semi/unskilled workers.

Investment in training remains stubbornly low with just over a quarter of firms (27%) reporting an increase in their training investment plans over the last three months (the same as Q1), while 14% report a drop (also the same).

In terms of cost pressuresthe data show that the main factor for increasing prices is now coming from wages rather than utility bills or raw materials.

With concern around utility costs dropping, 63% report these as an issue (74% in Q3 2022), the number of firms reporting labour costs as source of pressure has risen to 68% (67% in Q1) and is now the lead cost pressure.  Although, overall, the percentage of firms expecting their prices to rise fell below 50% for the first time since Q3 in 2021.


Responding to the findings, Jane Gratton, Head of People Policy at the BCC, said:

The tight labour market continues to ramp up wage costs, fuelling inflation, and creating huge difficulties for businesses. With the Bank of England expected to increase interest rates again, it is vital that Government boosts efforts to increase the supply of labour to help break the cycle.

“Firms are being squeezed on all sidesWith 36.8 million jobs in the economy there are more employment opportunities than ever beforeBut we also have low unemployment, and over a million jobs are currently left unfilled. Firms cannot fulfil order books and are turning down new work.  

“They are caught in a vicious circle where the lack of people holds back growth and reduces opportunities for investment, including in training – part of the long-term solution.

“While firms can do more to make workplaces more flexible and jobs easier to access, the government must redouble its efforts to support people into work. 

“But where there is evidence of critical national skills shortages, that are crippling business sectors and pushing up wages, the government must look again at the role immigration can play in easing difficulties in the short termThis includes making sure the criteria for the Shortage Occupations List are proportionate and realistic, as well as expanding access to youth mobility schemes

“Access to a skilled workforce is a major concern for businesses across the UK. The longer these shortages continue, the more long-term damage is causedGovernment has made a start but has yet to shift the dial. If we are to get the economy growing again we need more action, now.”

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